3 Tips To Rev Up Your Creativity Rapidly

You know that writers block feeling you get….Suddenly nothing is coming. You’re Blank and Blocked!  If you send out posts, blogs and articles, check out this video for, 3 easy tips to rev up your creativity and get your mojo back.

In my experience, we lose that creativity energy when we’re not in a “right space” mentally or emotionally. So you will learn some great ideas in the video, but it’s also important to remember, that sometimes you just need to put your pen down or close the computor and get into nature…breathe…just be…and make the space to let go of pushing for ideas and just allow in inspiration!

Enjoy…and if you found this video helpful, subscribe to my You Tube channel for more tips to create an inspired profitable business an life!

As always…wishing you great joy & abundance!

Ruth Stern

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