How To Increase Your Sales Conversions & Get More YESES!

When I started coaching and offering my services and packages, I really had no idea how to have an effective sales conversation. I would speak a few minutes on the phone with a potential client…listen to their needs and they would ask for the fee. I would tell them and they would say they needed to think about it and I never heard anything again.

Can you relate to this? 

I made a lot of mistakes then. Here are some of them:

1. I didn’t take the time to really understand their needs and fears and their ultimate vision. I didn’t spend enough
time really knowing their
deepest needs

2. I wasn’t sure what to ask them and so the conversation was brief and there was very little rapport and conection

3. I didn’t know how to to deal with their concerns, (concerns that the fee was too high, they didn’t have the money
to invest, they weren’t
sure it was a fit etc,)

4. I felt so uncomfortable with the whole idea of even having a sales conversation

And there is a lot more I didn’t know, No wonder I didn’t have success!

As I bought other coaching programs to build my practice, which I often said YES to, I noticed some common things the coach would do that was very effective to helping me say Yes to myself and giving me the reassurance that signing up for the program would enhance my success.

In today’s video, I share with you, some of the most important things I learned and now I teach, to help you get more YESES!


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