One Of The Best Gifts I Ever Gave Myself

When was the last time you sat down by yourself and just connected with your feelings?

Our feelings are really the essence of who we are and yet so many of us don’t take time to check in as we get busy and distracted. (I’m guilty too🤔)

Our feelings dictate the way we feel about ourselves, dictate our decisions and our actions and yet we choose to  ignore those feelings.

When we ignore or don’t process those feelings, they show up in anxiety, depression, over eating, resentment, and physical ailments and on and on.

During the onset of Covid, I took my business completely online and I found myself feeling pretty isolated like many people have.

I noticed that I started to feel more things and felt more anxious or agitated. And there was a voice inside of me that said, this is the time to get back to you.

And so I opened up a giant door of some old stuff and old pain I needed to address.

And on top of that in that same year of Covid,  I lost my best friend of 50 years and I had to put down my dog.

So I got a journal which I hadn’t done for a long time and just started letting my feelings out; old pain, grief, sadness, everything…

And I started to notice I was feeling much more relaxed. I was feeling lighter I actually felt better even though I was letting all this negative stuff come out of me. This emotional journey that I was on was helping me heal and evolve and it turned out to be  the greatest gift I could give myself.

Not only was I exploring my feelings, but I also started getting more understanding more insights, and I slowly gained deeper clarity on my next level purpose as well.

This is what happens when you open up the dam. In that opening, your mind gets so much more clear and open to what is possible. When feelings are not dealt with; it clouds up our consciousness.

And so I share all this because once again I was reminded that taking care of our feelings is truly one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves; if you are seeking emotional freedom.

I created a free gift called how to Heal Your Feelings With the Power of Journeling.

You can access right here, where I give you a simple step-by-step approach to journal with ease and start getting great relief

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